I was thinking back to 2017 when our foster case was a little [understatement] crazy and we hosted a couple of prayer nights. Here’s a snippet from an email invite I sent before one of those gatherings:
Come stop by the house to join us in prayer for the case, the judge, the kids, bio family, our hearts, etc. Informal and low-key….we just want to really lay this before the Lord with our community—you all!!
And for those friends/family who don’t live nearby or who aren’t able to make it (we realize it’s hard to plan something extra on a weekday, with kids!), would you pause and pray with us specifically on that Wednesday night? We praise our Sovereign God for His leading and faithful Presence thus far, and pray for His will and goodness to reign going forward—all for His glory.
One of the nights was especially heavy as we were deeply concerned about where the case was going. I remember crying and not being able to pray much out loud. But there is something incredibly encouraging when you are surrounded by people praying for you and with you on your family’s behalf.
Community and prayer.
Don’t be afraid to invite both into your foster journey.